There’s plenty afoot in romance publishing at the moment, and finally I can talk about some of it. I recently signed with Penguin Australia’s Destiny Romance: a shiny new e-only romance imprint, geared towards showcasing Australian set stories and Australian author voices.
Take a look around the Destiny Romance website.
And then talk amongst yourselves while I drool all over that gorgeous golden cover some more. Simple elements, fabulous colour pop and looks great in thumbnail. The graphic artist wannabe inside me is well satisfied.
A special note for regular Kelly Hunter readers: I have previously self published WISH (though it’s no longer available as a self-pubbed title), so just check that you haven’t already read it. If you live outside of Australia, the titles aren’t available to you yet – though they will be within a matter of weeks (after which time all Destiny titles will have worldwide english market release). If you live in Australia, however, and you read read rural romance and haven’t read WISH yet… hello. Over here…
Trust me – that’s me on a good day ;)
Cool!! Looking forward to it . Nice author photo on the website…….Is it just me, or do you really look a teeny weeny bit bewildered ;-)