Last week HMB relaunched the RIVA series in the UK. Gorgeous new covers, a very cool facebook app, and some new stories in the mix.
Top of my ‘to read’ list is debut author Joss Wood‘s She’s So Over Him.
Why? Well, RIVA authors hail from all over the globe: UK, Ireland, Australia, NZ, USA, Spain and Joss lives in South Africa. I’m really looking forward to the perspective Joss will bring to her stories, even if the stories aren’t always set in South Africa. Also, Joss has a fab new website, so go check it out.
Another brand new story in this RIVA relaunch drop is Leah Ashton‘s A Girl Less Ordinary. Leah’s from Western Australia, which might as well be a different country according to certain people from Australia’s East Coast. I might even be one of them. 

As for what the covers are going to look like on shelf (in selected Waterstones stores in the UK); they’re going to look great.
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